Topics of his lecture included his ability to withstand immense pain without so much as a wince. On October 21, 1936, Erik lectured before the male student body of McGill University in Montreal. They performed together for the remainder of Erik’s career. Within a short time, Erik and Bess married. In 1894, while performing with his brother, Theodore, Erik met another sideshow performer named Wilhelmina Beatrice “Bess” Rahner. For the rest of his life, Erik’s world revolved around entertaining and amazing crowds of people. Erik often performed in small tent acts, dime museums and circus sideshows, usually with another performer to double the draw and to share expenses. At nine years old, Erik made his public debut as a trapeze artist under the name “Ehrich, the Prince of the Air”. To help earn money for the struggling family, young Erik held several jobs.

Five years later, they moved into a boarding house in New York City. In 1882, they moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His father, Mayer Samuel Weisz, was a Rabbi who was often in search of employment. To lessen confusion, this article will refer to him by his birth name, Erik.Įrik’s family moved often to find work. The family settled in Appleton, Wisconsin and changed their last name to the German spelling Weiss. When Erik was four years old, his family emigrated to the United States.